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Rami's Favorites

Here's a random sampling of my favorite things. This list is in no way complete, but it's just a fun compilation as of the time I updated this web page. 


Scroll down the page to browse.  

Please note you'll need to pause the music track to enjoy the videos below. 



Music is a big part of my life. Below, you will find a few random samplings of my current favorite tracks.  The list is extremely long, so these are just a few: 

Musical Artists


Since my musical tastes are so varied, I can't say I have a "favorite". My criteria for favorite musical artists are those who write and perform awesome music and can perform it live. Here are a few:

Music and Musical Artists

TV Shows and Movies


I'm not a big TV or movie fan, but occasionally, something comes along that "speaks to me".  Some are fun, some are dramatic, but here are a few of my all-time favorites:



Here are a few all-time favorite books, for various reasons:

Books, TV, and Movies



Random things... "these are a few of my favorite things":

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn

is just to love, and be loved in return"



It's no secret that I love to travel.  It's also no secret that I like to travel in style.  Here are a few of my favorite hotels: 




Some of my favorite movie scenes and video moments. 


Please note you may need to pause the music playing above to enjoy the sound in these videos.


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